Yuko's Mission and Vision
Yuko as a Divine Source Messenger has a mission to assist humans in their cosmic ascension process primarily through her art as a pure light codes channel and secondly through her shamanic healing services using crystal medicine.
Yuko is globally celebrated as one of the most important artists alive and one day as one of the most important artists to have walked on this planet.
PR Goal
- Develop a strategic step-by-step roadmap to reach Yuko's Vision with a transparent cost structure per step
- Place multiple editorials in high-end publications, ideally with a target audience that is affluent and spiritually inclined at the same time (possible target audience: attendees of https://bluespiritcostarica.com)
- Avoid traditional gallery shows, we would like to bypass them and sell directly if at all possible
- Milestone by 2024: sell an original oil painting on canvas for $111'111
- Milestone by 2026: sell an original oil painting on canvas for $1'111'111
- Milestone by 2030: sell an original oil painting on canvas for $11'111'111