2024 Art New England, March/April, "The Healing Power of Art",MA, USA
2023 AYTLS Magazine, March (online)
2019 Aspekte, September issue, p.16, Steinhausen, Switzerland
2010 LIVES, Vol.5,P.56,April/May issue, Daiichi Shuppan, Tokyo
2010 IN RED, P.50,September、Takarajima Shuppan,Tokyo
2010 Takara Magazine, July, August issue, cover art, Boston, MA, USA
2010 Imprevue, The Said and the Unsaid, May, No.2, Boston, MA, USA
2010 The Confident Creative, Cat Bennett, Findhorn press, London, United Kingdom
2009 MCLA Beacon, North Adams, MA, USA
2009 North Adams Transcript, Imagination, North Adams, MA, USA
2009 Berkshire Fine Arts, Vivid wonders at MCLA Galley 51, North Adams, MA, USA
2008 The Metro, Boston, MA, USA
2008 The Berkeley Beacon, Online Article, Boston, MA, USA
2008 SOWA News Letter, Interview, March/April issue, South end Boston, MA, USA
2007 Manufactured Dissent INTERVIEW (online)
2007 Takara Magazine, Interview, September, Boston, MA, USA
2007 Laconia Gazette News, fall issue, Boston, MA, USA
2007 Artscope, New England’s Culture Magazine, Center Fold, May/June, issues
2007 Takara Magazine, front cover for 2007, 11 issues, Boston, MA, USA
2005 Meniscus Magazine, "Cosmic Mojo" (online)
2004 MENISUCUS MAGAZINE, "Sound Of Paintigs" (online)
2005 Sampan New Paper, Interview: Speaking with Paint, Boston, MA, USA
2002 J Magazine, July issue, front cover, Boston, MA, USA
2001 J Magazine, October, April issue, front cover, Boston, MA, USA
2001 Boston Globe, City weekly, "Gallery encourages art with a message”, 28th January, Boston, MA, USA