Shaman Artist Soul Healer

Yuko Adachi is more than an internationally acclaimed Shaman Artist Healer —She is a gifted multi dimensional Cosmic Ascension Guide, internationally acclaimed visionary artist channel, soul coach, and a shaman psychic-medium healer assisting in your soul alignment divinely guided by her team of Dragon Spirits serving startseeds across from the world in their ascension path. She is a a guiding light on the path to a personal and collective ascension. Through her channeled lightcodes art and art of crystalline shamanic healing, she invites you to awaken to your true potential, to embrace the power of your divine soul essence and uniqueness to celebrate the boundless creativity that resides within us all to be free. So free that nothing stands in your way to align to your soul truth deeply anchored in real self love that you came here to experience .

I carry the knowledge of lightcodes through my past life experiences which enables me to easily connect to it upon will. I tune into the vibration and frequency of the lightcodes and I am able to deliver my energetic experience of the lightcodes into a form of art  as a clear vessel through my soul gifts along with a trained refined artistic skills.

My art, like visionary medicine, serves as a powerful tool to heal and elevate your consciousness, much like crystals. It opens and activates your energy, guiding you to your higher self and bringing essential healing to your heart and mind.

Through Lightcode Activation and intuitive trauma healing, I support your path to unlocking your true essence and connecting you with the Source.

Let’s embark on this transformative journey together.

I am honoured to be your comics shaman artist soul healer and a guide.

thank you for sour trust in me and my gifts,

love and light with gratutude,



In the boundless expanse of cosmic creation, a luminous soul carries a mission for greater alignment.

An Internationally acclaimed artist, shaman psychic-medium healer, ascension guide and soul coach,




"Yuko´s art carries a lot of healing light codes and harmonizing properties"

"Yuko is a clear channel for higher energies. Her art is inspired by higher knowledge and carries a lot of healing light codes and harmonizing properties for those beholding it. She opens herself up to receive the art as it wants to come forward for the people who it's meant to be presented to. You can look at her as a "translator". She opens herself up, as a vessel for spirit/inspiration/energy to flow through, which she then processes inside of her and transforms into gorgeous pieces of art carrying light codes which activate the soul, and that have their healing effect and an unlocking of soul knowledge on the people witnessing it. By working like this, she offers people the opportunity to experience the connection that she experiences when fine tuning herself like a tuning fork, to these higher realms. Giving you the opportunity to create a connection of your own, with these beautiful energies, through her visual art. Having her work around you, will cause you to get activated by the lines and colors and shapes she uses, and it will create harmony within, and an awakening to a deep connection inside of you, to the great source of which we all come from."

Debra Lemaire Spiritual Mentor, Celestial Historian, Channel

Yuko Adachi is more than an artist—she is a beacon of inspiration, a guiding light and a shaman healer on the path to collective ascension.

Art has always played a pivotal role in human evolution by serving as a bridge between the tangible and the spiritual. Historically, art has been a reflection of human consciousness, symbolizing not only cultural and intellectual growth but also deeper spiritual insights. From ancient cave paintings to religious icons and sacred geometry, humans have used visual expressions to document their relationship with the divine, communicate deeper truths, and connect to universal energy.

In this context, "spiritually elevated art" (such as the Lightcode Activation art) is part of this tradition but goes even further. It actively "supports spiritual evolution" by engaging both the subconscious and conscious mind, triggering deeper awareness and alignment with higher frequencies. Through sacred symbols, colors, and encoded light energies, these artworks are designed to "activate dormant spiritual potentials" bringing people into alignment with their true selves and the greater cosmos.

When you encounter such art, like what you experience here, it isn’t simply a visual experience—it’s a "soul activation" This art taps into ancient energy fields, transcending time, and space, to communicate with your DNA, raising your vibration, aiding in healing, and awakening your inner light. It catalyzes transformation, serving as a "VISUAL SOUL MEDICINE for personal and collective spiritual growth", ensuring you are connected to your highest path.

What Yuko delivers through her art is designed to be part of your evolutionary journey, assisting you unlock deeper layers of yourself while guiding you toward spiritual alignment and awakening.



Yuko´s soul mission is to help awakened and awakening souls achieve greater alignment by healing trauma and activating your divine essence. Certified by world-renowned teachers in various healing modalities, Yuko's expertise spans a diverse spectrum of transformative practices, including:

Shamanic Healing,
Reiki levels I and II,
Professional Crystal Healing
Angel Healing
Akashic Record Healing Reading
Meditation Immersion Coaching
Violet Flame Healing

There are no boundaries in energy. Yuko invites you to join her on a journey of self-discovery and transmutation to embody your angelic divine essence. Yuko serves spiritually awakened souls worldwide with powerful, custom-tailored channeled energy healing sessions using healing crystals, both remote and in-person.

She specializes in trauma healing by activating self-love . All Yuko´s healing sessions are customized to your needs, honoring your personal journey and supporting your spiritual empowerment, alignment, and expansion.

Hi, I am YUKO.

HELLO, I amYuko.

I came to Earth with a mission during this era of planetary ascension, using my soul gifts as a pure lightcode visionary channel and energy healer to facilitate your spiritual expansion journey through activation and healing.

I carry the knowledge of lightcodes through my past life experiences which enables me to easily connect to it upon will. I tune into the vibration and frequency of the lightcodes and I am able to deliver my energetic experience of the lightcodes into a form of art  as a clear vessel through my soul gifts along with a trained refined artistic skills.

My art, like visionary medicine, serves as a powerful tool to heal and elevate your consciousness, much like crystals. It opens and activates your energy, guiding you to your higher self and bringing essential healing to your heart and mind.

Through Lightcode Activation and intuitive trauma healing, I support your path to unlocking your true essence and connecting you with the Source.

Let’s embark on this transformative journey together.

I am honoured to be your comics shaman artist soul healer and a guide.

thank you for sour trust in me and my gifts,

love and light with gratutude,



Love and light with gratitude,


"Yuko`s stunning mastery of color, shapes, forms and composition combined with her sheer insatiable lust to create art across all imaginable mediums make her nothing short of a Master Artist, a pure genius. She is going down history as one of the most important artists to have ever walked this planet"

Andreas Gmür, fellow visionary artist

Dear Sistars and Star Brothers

When I was a little girl, I would go visit my grandparents on the Kyushu Island of Japan every summer, and I would sleep in my grandma's beautiful Japanese traditional room on tatami mats. It smelled so good, and I felt safe in her room.

As we turned off the lights to go to sleep, we chatted every night in the midst of what felt like a deep silence, with gentle sounds of crickets singing in the background in the hot Japanese summer.

My grandmother would tell me a memory from her life, and sometimes she would start sharing some stories that were deeply seated in her heart, which she would not tell anyone otherwise.

 The stories she shared with me were filled with her emotions which she usually kept for herself. I remember that I would respond to her and she replied always in the same manner with amazement and awe: "You little girl, how can you understand me so well and the words you speak are so wisdom filled. How does  this come to you?" and I do not remember what I exactly I told her but  I would say something in the line of  "because I understand" and we both would giggle and fall asleep.  

The time I shared with my grandma was special.

Not only was the time I shared with her beautifully profound,  but also because I can now recall the side of me that I never had a chance to share with anyone growing up besides  her and my grand pa. I was a born empath and a healer. I also remember clearly the day I healed my grandpa by intuitively sending healing energy from my hands when he was at a hospital. I knew hands can heal people even though nobody taught me. I created a painting at the time which I wish I still had today with healing energy coming out of a hand with a vase next to it to hold its healing energy like a medicine.  I have always been divinely guided both in my art creation and healing practice. As I grew older, my creativity took over me and my art blossomed while I forgot about the healing power that I have. 

It was in the year of 2021,  I suddenly woke up one morning and felt that I want to directly heal people using energy healing methods beyond my light-code healing art. Once I was determined, everything lined up in synchronicity and fell into place. I became a reiki practitioner while getting an intensive training as a certified crystal healer. Then I felt the pull to get to know healing through the Archangels' energy training, yet my pull towards shamanic healing was increasing at this point. So I became a certified shamanic healer connecting to my inner wisdom and combining it with learnt skills.

The stories she shared with me were filled with her emotions which she usually kept for herself. I remember that I would respond to her and she replied always in the same manner with amazement and awe: "You little girl, how can you understand me so well and the words you speak are so wisdom filled. How does  this come to you?" and I do not remember what I exactly I told her but  I would say something in the line of  "because I understand" and we both would giggle and fall asleep.

Within a short period of time, I was able to reconnect to my divine path as a healer. I am a pure channel. My interest is in spreading the contagious joy of creative energy through healing work in art and energy healing in order to assist soul clients to live in full light. 

My psychic ability also got activated and I was fully awakened to my soul's mission as a clear channel to bring in light-codes through energy healing and through the art that I create.  I started remembering my soul`s past as a shaman, high priestess, mystic and crystal healer. I also remember a sense of not having a physical body as I came from another Universe before I came to the Earth. 

I came here to Earth at this particular time of planetary ascension to be in service by tapping into my soul`s gifts of unlimited creative flow and abundance of our true soul essence in order to facilitate the process of ascension.

I assist in the spiritual journey of soul clients to heal traumas, bring in soul alignment, empowerment, soul gift activation, soul expansion and remembrance of who we are. I do this through the powerful energy transmission of my light-code activation art, intuitive healing energy work using healing crystals, reiki, crystalline light of Christ Consciousness, dragon energy and shamanic healing practices. 

Light-code activation is the universal healing language of souls which fundamentally liberates our mind to experience the eternal truth of what we are and who we are through its healing energetic vibration and frequency.

The divinely guided light-codes heal and activate the dormant DNA while assisting your soul to re-connect with the Source in order to ignite your own radiance and remembrance of who you are born to be as you embody the resonance of the lightcodes. YOU ARE THE COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS AND THE SOURCE; a sovereign, authentic, beautiful divine being of love and light. I am here to be in service with all my heart.

Love and light with gratitude,



Yuko Adachi was born in Tokyo, Japan. As a child and teenager she was brought up in New York, Paris and London, exposing her to a variety of cultures. This had undeniably a major impact on her multi-cultural character and world-view. She currently lives in Nosara, Costa Rica, a wellness centric beach community on the pacific coast together with her Swiss artist husband Andreas Gmür and their two children. The family runs three 5-star rated Airbnb studios at their beach property, surrounded by tropical jungle gardens. Come. Stay. Heal. Experience Pura Vida Magic.

ART HISTORIAN Marie-Christine Lacopetta SPEAKS

Yuko Adachi has a strong signature style that sets her apart and makes her art recognizable and memorable. Her work pushes the boundaries of contemporary art genres as it successfully encompasses both spiritual and abstract elements. Her aim is to create unique forms of non-representational visual expressions imbued with the vibration of deep-rooted energy. 

The delicate and sensitive, yet distinctive bold organic movements and forms in her art can be traced back to an early childhood Japanese calligraphy training where creativity and sensibility emerge from the calmness of the mind. Working in series, she harmoniously combines a broad and colorful palette with unique free-flowing organic shapes, unfolding her timeless creative imagination that is possible only when being one with the present moment.

Her spiritual and cross-cultural life experiences from young age have been feeding her innate artistic expressions to be manifested on the visual level with authenticity that speaks directly to viewers across all ages and genders, as each artwork is filled with energy of love for life, the universe and fellow human beings.

Although highly subjective and unique, Yuko Adachi’s approach can be related to other spiritually based creative expressions and to some of the most innovative art historical movements.

Indeed, the Buddhist practice of painting mandalas, is not only the expression of a century-old religious world-view but is also a meditative act for the artist. Traditionally mandalas represent the ideal form of the universe. The mandala not only helps the artist to progress into deeper levels of unconsciousness and to experience the oneness with the cosmos, it also helps the viewer to reflect upon his inner state of the moment. Although using a different visual language, Yuko Adachi’s can be compared to this motion. Her paintings are not representational, they are experienced realities, captured emotions.

Charged with symbolic and spiritual meaning, the great pioneers of abstract art Hilma Af Klint and Wassiliy Kandinsky both created works in which the forms and the colours have deeper meanings. Immersed in theosophy and anthroposophy they painted in bright tones, featuring curlicues, spirals, flower shapes, organic elements. Through their art Af Klint and Kandinsky hoped to enlighten others about their environment and the inherent connections between life at the micro and the macro levels, just like how Yuko Adachi is doing with her art. By further pushing and developing these elements, she manages to create dreamy, powerful and immersive works, which invite us to delve into her mystic world and to broaden our vision of ourselves.

Yuko Adachi’s spiritual services and art products are designed to support energetic and spiritual well-being. They are not a substitute for medical or professional healthcare, so please use your own discernment. All purchases, including services and art products, are final and non-refundable. Please be aware that slight color variations may occur between digital screens and the actual art pieces due to display differences. By proceeding, you acknowledge and accept these terms. Thank you and enjoy your purchase filled with infinite love and light.