"Yuko´s art carries a lot of healing light codes and harmonizing properties"
By Debra Lemaire Celestial Historian, Channel,Spiritual Guide
"Yuko is a clear channel for higher energies. Her art is inspired by higher knowledge and carries a lot of healing light codes and harmonizing properties for those beholding it. She opens herself up to receive the art as it wants to come forward for the people who it's meant to be presented to. You can look at her as a "translator". She opens herself up, as a vessel for spirit/inspiration/energy to flow through, which she then processes inside of her and transforms into gorgeous pieces of art carrying light codes which activate the soul, and that have their healing effect and an unlocking of soul knowledge on the people witnessing it. By working like this, she offers people the opportunity to experience the connection that she experiences when fine tuning herself like a tuning fork, to these higher realms. Giving you the opportunity to create a connection of your own, with these beautiful energies, through her visual art. Having her work around you, will cause you to get activated by the lines and colors and shapes she uses, and it will create harmony within, and an awakening to a deep connection inside of you, to the great source of which we all come from."

"Paintings that are experienced realities, captured EMOTIONS."
by Marie-Christine Iacopetta, Art Historian
Yuko Adachi has a strong signature style that sets her apart and makes her art recognizable and memorable. Her work pushes the boundaries of contemporary art genres as it successfully encompasses both spiritual and abstract elements. Her aim is to create unique forms of non-representational visual expressions imbued with the vibration of deep-rooted energy.
The delicate and sensitive, yet distinctive bold organic movements and forms in her art can be traced back to an early childhood Japanese calligraphy training where creativity and sensibility emerge from the calmness of the mind. Working in series, she harmoniously combines a broad and colorful palette with unique free-flowing organic shapes, unfolding her timeless creative imagination that is possible only when being one with the present moment.
Her spiritual and cross-cultural life experiences from young age have been feeding her innate artistic expressions to be manifested on the visual level with authenticity that speaks directly to viewers across all ages and genders, as each artwork is filled with energy of love for life, the universe and fellow human beings.
Although highly subjective and unique, Yuko Adachi’s approach can be related to other spiritually based creative expressions and to some of the most innovative art historical movements.
Indeed, the Buddhist practice of painting mandalas, is not only the expression of a century-old religious world-view but is also a meditative act for the artist. Traditionally mandalas represent the ideal form of the universe. The mandala not only helps the artist to progress into deeper levels of unconsciousness and to experience the oneness with the cosmos, it also helps the viewer to reflect upon his inner state of the moment. Although using a different visual language, Yuko Adachi’s can be compared to this motion. Her paintings are not representational, they are experienced realities, captured emotions.
Charged with symbolic and spiritual meaning, the great pioneers of abstract art Hilma Af Klint and Wassiliy Kandinsky both created works in which the forms and the colours have deeper meanings. Immersed in theosophy and anthroposophy they painted in bright tones, featuring curlicues, spirals, flower shapes, organic elements. Through their art Af Klint and Kandinsky hoped to enlighten others about their environment and the inherent connections between life at the micro and the macro levels, just like how Yuko Adachi is doing with her art. By further pushing and developing these elements, she manages to create dreamy, powerful and immersive works, which invite us to delve into her mystic world and to broaden our vision of ourselves.